Facebook CEO's apology

Facebook admits, about 50 million personal data users stolen and abused by third parties, the data analysis firm Cambridge Analytica. The firm works for Donald Trump's winning campaign in the 2016 presidential election.

Last week, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, spoke about the scandal through his personal Facebook account. He apologized and promised to improve the security system up to protect user privacy.

Not quite through his Facebook account, Mark Zuckerberg also apologized through a newspaper page in several major media, including New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post.

The apology was in print for the Sunday edition (25/3/2018). It contained only five short paragraphs with Mark Zuckerberg's signature.

"You've probably heard about quiz apps made by a researcher who leaked personal data of millions of Facebook users by 2014," said Mark Zuckerberg's apology opening.

"This is a violation of belief, and I am sorry we did not do more then. We are now taking steps to prevent such incidents from happening again, "Zuckerberg added, as compiled KompasTekno, from Ubergizmo.

The step in question is to stop the operation of third-party applications that collect too much user information. Facebook is also more aggressive to investigate the movement of third-party applications.

At the conclusion, Mark Zuckerberg thanked the users for giving them great confidence. He promises to do better for the users.

The scandal of Cambridge Analytica was sparked after Facebook data collected allegedly used to support the winning campaign Donald Trump in the US Presidential Election 2016 ago.

The number one person on Facebook also admitted, it takes months and the budget of millions of dollars to fix all the issues of user security trust this.

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